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PhD Position Nantes - Materials - DFT (No replies)

8 years ago
Zedd 8 years ago

Modeling and prediction of the defect impact on the optical and opto-electronic properties of inorganic compounds.

Supervisors: Dr. Camille Latouche, Dr. Stéphane Jobic

The group of Innovative materials for optics, photovoltaic and storage at the University of Nantes is currently seeking candidates for a PhD position in the domain of modeling and computational chemistry.

The laboratory possesses a large number of experts in the solid state area and is well recognized at the international level. One of the theoretical activities in the laboratory consists in the simulations of the defect impacts in inorganic systems leading to tremendous optical, electric and opto-electronic properties. The theoreticians are strongly connected with experimental chemists to identify the possible defects and to optimize/tune the observed properties.

The PhD student will have to perform Density Functional Theory calculations and to model the possible defects responsible for the observed activities on structures synthesized and characterized in our laboratory or in our collaborations. The PhD student will have at his/her disposal the most known and used packages in the theoretical fields (VASP, WIEN2K, GAUSSIAN) together with devoted software to quickly post-process the data (PyDEF, VMS).

All Master 2 degree with a strong background in Chemistry, Physical-Chemistry, Chemical-Physics, Physics, with several classes in theoretical Chemistry or Physics, is pleased to apply. A good English level is required. A previous experience in modeling is a plus.

The deadline for application is 31st May 2017 and the PhD starts on 1st September 2017. Please send an email to Dr. Camille Latouche and Dr. Stéphane Jobic, including a detailed CV and letter of motivation. Supporting letters will also be necessary.

[email protected]; [email protected]


DFT, defects, energy, luminescence, photovoltaic, structure-property relationship

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials