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PhD position @ Nanosurf Lab, IoP Prague, Czech R ... (No replies)
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There is opening of PhD position in NANOSURF Lab ( ), Institute of Physics, Prague, Czech Academy of Sciences. Subject of PhD thesis is theoretical study of one-dimensional molecular chains including their electronic and transport properties using both model Hamiltonians and computer simulations using DFT and methods going beyond single determinant approaches (DMRG). The candidate will be involved in the development of home-build local orbital FIREBALL DFT code. The research will be conducted in a tight collaboration with experimental research activities conducted within the NANOSURF Lab employing mainly the state-of-the-art low-temperature scanning probe microscopy and on-surface synthesis under ultra-high vacuum conditions. Main objective of the PhD study will be exploration of exotic material properties of 1D including possibility of excitonic/polaronic condensation, Floquet engineering or topological phase transition.
We are looking for highly qualified candidates with background in Physics, Chemistry or Materials Science. You must hold the equivalent of a Masters Degree. The candidate should be fluent in English, programming skills are very welcome. We offer a stimulating environment with large synergy between theory and experiment, which will give you the opportunity to develop your professional skills and own ideas.
The appointment is for 4 years with possibility of extension and it is supported by National Center of Excellence founded by Czech Science Foundation.
A request for further information, or to submit a cover letter and CV should be emailed to pavel.jelinek(at)