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PhD position: Multiscale modelling on the preser ... (No replies)
Dear All,
A PhD position in multi scale modelling are available immediately in the Theory Group ( at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (MPIP) in Mainz, Germany.
The position is part of the APACHE project for the preservation of cultural heritage. The projects at the MPIP will involve using multi scale simulations to model the behavior of volatile organic compounds and pollutants in packaging materials used to preserve cultural heritage.
The projects will be supervised by Prof. Dr. Kurt Kremer and Dr. Omar Valsson (
Applicants for the PhD position are required to have a Masters degree in physics, chemistry, materials science, chemical engineering, or related field. Having experience with molecular simulations would be beneficial.
To apply for the positions, or to obtain further information, please contact Dr. Omar Valsson through email at [email protected]. The application should include a CV and contact information of at least two professional references.
Omar Valsson
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