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PhD position "Multiscale Atomistic Simulati ... (No replies)

8 years ago
akrashen 8 years ago

A fully funded Ph.D. position in atomistic simulations is immediately available in a theory group “Atomistic Simulations of Materials” (Group Leader Dr. Arkady Krasheninnikov) at the Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research, the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany, within the framework of the EU H2020 funded npSCOPE program. The experimental foundation of this effort is the helium ion microscope that provides unprecedented lateral resolution and surface sensitivity. Your task will be to carry out atomistic simulations aimed at getting fundamental insights into the interaction of energetic He and other ions with nanoparticles using empirical potential and first-principles calculations. Simulations of He-ion microscopy images using time-dependent DFT are also envisaged. Your efforts will be embedded into an international team of researches that will develop a tool that can provide answers to important questions related to the possible health issues of nano-particles.

Essential Requirements

The successful applicant should have a M.Sc. degree in solid-state physics or materials science. Excellent written and oral communication skills in English are essential. Experience with atomistic simulation codes such as VASP, GPAW, LAMMPS is highly desirable, as well as with scripting and programming.

Duration and salary

The total duration of the positions is three years. The salary is based on the collective agreement TVöD-Bund.

How to apply

Interested applicants should submit the complete application consisting of a cover letter, CV, a copy of study records, certificates and contact information of at least two referees via the online application system

The deadline for applications is 15.02.2017. The application must be submitted in English.

For more information please contact Dr. Arkady Krasheninnikov ([email protected]).

See also

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials