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PhD position joint between University of Birming ... (No replies)

1 year ago
t.hickel 1 year ago

The University of Birmingham's College of Engineering and Physical Sciences (UoB EPS) and the German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) are offering co-funded 42 month PhD studentships. The program offers the candidates the rare chance to perform their PhD in UK as well as Germany, benefitting from both UoB´s and BAM's formidable facilities, and to enhance in this way the research through access to the holistic network of researchers of both countries.

One of the projects is devoted to

Multiscale modelling of hydrogen induced microstructure modification near defects and their influence in structural materials for hydrogen economy

The aim is in this project to combine two advanced computational methods into a multiscale approach: at the atomic/electronic scale density functional theory addresses chemo-structural interaction of defects in the context of defect phase diagrams yielding insight into the effect of hydrogen on thermodynamic properties, which are then used in phase field simulations on the meso-scale to model the effect on microstructure evolution. 

Applications should be submitted at latest until 15th March 2024 through the Application Portal provided by University of Birmingham.  Applicants are encouraged to contact Tilmann Hickel ([email protected], BAM - Fachbereich 6.4 - Materialinformatik) or Nils Warnken ([email protected], School of Metallurgy and Materials - University of Birmingham) informally to discuss the project. Applications should include a statement of research interests. 

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials