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Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…

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PhD position in Vienna for simulating transport ... (No replies)

8 years ago
Jan 8 years ago

Applications are invited for a PhD position at Vienna University of Technology, Austria, to work with
Dr. Jan Tomczak on the simulation of transport properties of correlated materials.

The candidates are required to have a master’s degree in solid state physics, materials science, or quantum physics/chemistry, as well as knowledge in many-body methods (Green’s functions, Feynman diagrams) and/or electronic structure theory. The project also requires programming skills to build on.

Starting date is July 2017 (some flexibility). The gross salary will be ~2050 EUR/month, 14 times per year, over the
funding period of three years.

To apply, please provide a single pdf-file containing your CV, a list of publications and presentations, a short statement of research experience/interests, and arrange for at least one letter of recommendation to be emailed to:
[email protected]

More information can be found under

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials