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PhD position in theory and computational design ... (No replies)
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Supervisor: Jorge Íñiguez ([email protected])
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
We are inviting applications for a PhD position on "Theory and computational design of functional oxides". Particularly, we will investigate ferroelectric and dielectric materials based on HfO2, which have recently been shown to display appealing ferroic properties that are yet to be fully understood. Through simulations, we will look for ways to rationalize and optimize such properties, following strategies that have been very successful when applied to ferroelectric perovskite oxides, and which may permit the development of a new generation of electro-mechanical sensors and actuators directly compatible with silicon-based technologies. Our basic research tool will be quantum-mechanical computational methods, especially techniques that permit accurate medium- and large-scale atomistic simulations.
The PhD work will take place in the context of larger training and collaborative program called MASSENA, coordinated by the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) and the University of Luxembourg, and funded by the Luxembourg National Research Fund. More information about the present call for PhD positions can be found here.
We are looking for candidates with a strong background in physics (condensed-matter, statistical) and with an excellent academic record. If you are interested, please contact Jorge Íñiguez ([email protected]), including in your message as much information as you can about your academic record (i.e., detailed marks obtained during your masters and bachelor studies).
Ideally, the PhD work would start in the fall of 2017. Note that holding a masters degree is mandatory to start the PhD work.