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PhD position in theoretical & computational ... (No replies)
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PhD position in theoretical & computational condensed matter physics
at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Division Materials Theory, Uppsala University, Sweden.
Research area: theoretical and computational materials physics, with focus on modeling of ultrafast magnetic processes, theory of laser-induced magnetism and theory of magneto-plasmonics.
The PhD student will perform theoretical investigations and computational modeling of laser-induced non-equilibrium magnetization processes and spin currents in magnetic materials on ultrashort time scales. The research includes development of theoretical models and computer programs for ultrafast optical control of magnetization in strong laser fields and theory for magneto-plasmonics (see [1,2]). Density-functional theory (DFT) programs will be used for accurate description of magnetic materials.
[1] Mondal, Berritta & Oppeneer, Phys. Rev. B 94, 144419 (2016).
[2] Berritta, Mondal, Carva & Oppeneer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 137203 (2016).
The prospective applicant is expected to be strongly motivated and have a Masters degree in theoretical or computational physics or materials science. Excellent exam marks are considered an asset, as well as previous experience with electronic structure theory and/or experience with code development. Good communication skills both orally and in written English are desirable. For more details, see the link below.
The PhD position is limited to four years in the case of full-time studies, or five years if teaching duties (maximum 20%) are included.
More information concerning the PhD position can be obtained from Professor Peter Oppeneer, e-mail: [email protected], phone +46-(0)18 471 3748.
You are welcome to submit your application electronically no later than 31 January 2017, UFV-PA 2016/3976. Use the link below to access the application form.