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PhD position in Theoretical Chemistry / Molecula ... (No replies)
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A PhD position in Theoretical Chemistry is available in the group of Carmen Herrmann at the University of Hamburg.
Research will focus on designing correlated molecular systems for molecular spintronics, such as transition metal complexes, diradicals, or Kondo adsorbates. The successful candidate will study and optimize these systems, and develop further the required computational techniques. The research will be done in the environment of a group with long-standing experience in first-principles molecular / nanoscale spintronics and electronics (see our publication list).
Hamburg is a vibrant city in the north of Germany, with a long-standing history of being open to the world. Hamburg University has just scored one of the top results nationwide in Germany's excellence initiative. Our group is part of the cluster of excellence "Centre for Ultrafast Imaging".
Applicants should have a strong interest in theoretical chemistry, a (prospective) master's degree or equivalent in chemistry, physics, nanoscience, or a related subject, and good basic knowledge of theoretical chemistry or solid state physics. Solid English skills (both written and oral) are mandatory, knowledge of (or the willingness to learn) German is a plus.
The successful candidate is expected to assist in teaching in the Chemistry Department, which makes practical experience in chemistry a strong plus.
Applicants are asked to send (1) a CV, (2) a brief statement of research interests, (3) contact data for at least one reference, and (4) a copy of their master's degree (or a letter from their university or supervisor stating their anticipated graduation date and a copy of their last university degree) by email to [email protected].
The position is for 3 years.
Application deadline: January 6th 2019 or until the position is filled.
Earliest starting date: April 1st 2019.
Prof. Dr. Carmen Herrmann
Institute for Inorganic and Applied Chemistry
University of Hamburg
Martin-Luther-King-Platz 6
20146 Hamburg
Tel: +49-40-42838-6934
Fax: +49-40-42838-6348
Email: [email protected]