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PhD position in Theoretical and Computational Ma ... (No replies)
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The PhD project aims towards fundamental and theoretical understanding of the mechanism for proton, ion and electron/hole conduction in solid oxides. The work will be based on first-principles density-functional theory calculations on high performance computing facilities. The atomistic modeling activities will cover quantum mechanical approaches combined with statistical thermodynamic modeling techniques. The ultimate goal of the research is to contribute to the design of advanced energy relevant materials based on the achieved understanding of the fundamental mechanisms operating in these systems.
The activities at the Materials and Surface Theory group at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden focus on the application of electronic structure and atomic scale simulation methods to address current problems in materials science. The work in the group is characterized by a strong interplay between fundamental and applied research. It involves both methodological developments and applications to real systems. Many of the research activities concern materials of interest for energy related applications and the group has developed rewarding collaborations with industry.
Profile of the candidate
The successful candidate should have
(1) A master's level degree in physics (applied physics, engineering physics, materials science, chemical physics) or an equivalent degree, (2) a sound knowledge and interest in condensed matter physics, materials physics and computational physics, and (3) a strong interest in computational modeling. (4) Experience in electronic structure calculations and/or atomistic simulations is a clear asset.
Applications should be submitted via Chalmers website
not later than 1st September 2019.
For more details contact Prof. Göran Wahnström ([email protected]).