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PhD position in Theoretical and Computational Ch ... (No replies)
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A fully-funded PhD position in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry is available in the group of Basile Curchod at Durham University (UK), starting ideally in October 2018. The group focuses on the development and the applications of theoretical methods – nuclear quantum dynamics and electronic structure – for understanding the excited-state dynamics of molecules following light absorption. For more information, please refer to our website:
This PhD project involves developing a novel method for excited-state dynamics using the concept of travelling basis functions. This method will be used to study the importance of photochemical processes in atmospheric molecules, in collaboration with experimental groups.
Candidates with a solid background in physical chemistry or chemical physics and, more importantly, strong motivation and enthusiasm for scientific research are encouraged to apply. Applications – short cover letter (describing background and motivation) and a complete CV – will be considered upon receipt, and the position will remain open until filled.
Informal enquiries should be sent to [email protected]