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PhD Position in the theory of ultrafast light-ma ... (No replies)
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The University of Hamburg, The Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of Physics, I. Institute for Theoretical Physics invites applications for a PhD position. The official, legally-binding announcement is available at
Conditions: Starting date April, 1st 2020 or later. The working contract for 3 years. The salary 65% of TVoeD 13 (German salary grade).
Specific duties:
The candidate will work on the project "Seeing excitons in motion" funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. The goal of the project "Seeing excitons in motion" is to invent methods to follow motion of excitons in photovoltaic materials by means of ultrashort light pulses. A quantum-mechanical analysis will be employed to obtain tools to extract the details of exciton dynamics with sub-femtosecond temporal and sub-nanometer spatial resolution.
The successful candidate will describe the interaction of ultrashort light pulses with molecules that are building blocks of organic semiconductors. This task will involve a theoretical analysis using quantum electrodynamics, simulations using ab initio simulation packages and development of codes for computations.
Applicants should have or be expecting to achieve a Master Degree or equivalent in physics or in a related field. Good English skills, spoken and written, are mandatory. Previous research experience in theoretical physics or in theoretical chemistry is highly desirable. Experience in simulations using a quantum-mechanical software package and/or code development to describe physical problems is a plus.
For further information, please contact Dr. Daria Gorelova on [email protected] or consult our website at or
Applications should include a cover letter, a tabular curriculum vitae, and copies of degree certificate(s). Please send applications by 31.01.2020 to: [email protected].