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PhD position in the field of batteries at LRCS ( ... (No replies)

4 years ago
cfrayret 4 years ago

PhD position in the field of batteries at LRCS, Amiens, FRANCE

Laboratoire de Réactivité et Chimie des Solides, UMR 7314


 In the context of the DESTINY project (, supported and co-funded by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie COFUND PhD Programme, a PhD position involving simulation and computational science approaches (especially atomic-scale density functional theory calculations) on the thematic of storage systems is currently available at Laboratoire de Réactivité et Chimie des Solides (LRCS, UMR #7314, Univ. Picardie Jules Verne), Amiens (France).

Within an inspiring environment and in close link with high-profile key-partners, the three-years PhD position will give the opportunity to contribute to strategic innovation routes towards the advent of advanced solid-state batteries. By using various simulation approaches, design plans and interpretation of experiments conducted at LRCS and through national and international interdisciplinary collaborations (including especially NUS: National University of Singapore), the PhD candidate will provide guidelines as well as complementary characterization ways for the development of new and optimized solid electrolytes.

All these investigations will be conducted with cutting-edge resources and access to leading supercomputers. Short stay mobility in laboratories having already developed strong collaboration with LRCS (notably ICMCB, Bordeaux, France) in view of fostering such cooperation will also be settled.

Key selection criteria and conditions of application are provided below. Additional information is provided here:


Candidate requirements

The candidates must hold (or be about to receive) a Master's degree in chemistry, materials science, physics, electrical engineering or related area, and have good English skills. The successful candidates will have an excellent academic track record and shall be creative and highly motivated. Another mandatory requirement for the position is a personal interest in computational/theoretical research. Good knowledge of solid-state chemistry and/or quantum chemistry/electronic structure theory would also be highly desirable.

Hands-on experience with High Performance Computing or with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance is a plus.


Interested applicants are encouraged to read the procedure ( and to further send their application documents ( as one pdf document per e-mail to Christine Frayret (email: [email protected]) and Christian Masquelier (email: [email protected]).

Applications will be considered till January 17 2021.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials