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PhD Position in the field of atomistic simulatio ... (No replies)

8 years ago
cpi 8 years ago

The nanotech@surafecs Laboratory at Empa (Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology)

is looking for an outstanding PhD candidate with a strong background in Physical Chemistry, Materials Science or Surface Science to take up a challenging PhD position in the area of atomistic simulations of graphene derived nanostructures. This PhD project will be conducted in partnership with the Department of Chemistry of the University of Zürich, and in close collaboration with experimentalists at Empa. The main focus will be the study of the electronic and magnetic properties of novel graphene based nanomaterials with the goal to ameliorate the design efforts identifying geometries that, due to their predicted properties, would be worth the synthesis effort. Density Functional Theory and methods at higher level of theory will be used specifically to design termination groups to protect the edge magnetism in atomically precise zigzag like nanoribbons and to explore possible routes for on surface synthesis of acene based nanostructures

Required qualifications include a master’s degree in Physical Chemistry, Physics or Materials Science. A solid background in (Surface) Chemistry, previous experience with atomistic simulations and programming (python/fortran/C++) is a plus. Very good communication skills in English are required.

The position is available upon agreement with a planned duration of up to four years.

We offer a challenging position in a materials research institution in the Zurich area with outstanding infrastructure and broad interdisciplinary surroundings. The PhD student will be integrated in the PhD Program of the University of Zurich.

For more information, please contact Dr. Carlo Pignedoli, [email protected].

Please submit your application online

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials