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PhD Position in novel method development for ele ... (No replies)

George Booth
6 years ago
George Booth 6 years ago

Fully funded PhD positions are available in the group of Dr. George Booth at King's College London.

The aim of this ambitious, ERC-funded research project is to make progress in the numerical tools that we have available to simulate strongly correlated quantum materials – to transfer the accuracy of quantum chemical approaches to the full many-body wavefunction to the setting of extended systems. This will involve development of new approximations and techniques, from inception and implementation, to their application. These methods will borrow from range of techniques in other fields to make progress, including machine learning, Monte Carlo sampling and tensor networks.

These new ideas will be developed and then applied to real systems of significant technological interest where current techniques are lacking, including a variety of transition metal oxide and photoactive materials.

Applicants should have a background and enthusiasm for quantum many-body theory from a physics or chemistry perspective, programming and numerical modelling skills, as well as being keen to work in a team, based in central London at King's College London.

Both UK and EU candidates are eligible to apply, and encouraged to get in contact with the PI ([email protected]) with a brief CV as soon as possible for more information and details on how to apply.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials