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PhD position in multi-scale modelling for molecu ... (No replies)
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MN-06 - PhD position in multi-scale modelling for molecular layer deposition
Contract: Full Time/Fixed Term 48 Months, Structured PhD
Role Description
Tyndall National Institute invites applications for a Marie Curie supported PhD position under the supervision of Dr. Michael Nolan in the Micro- and Nanosystems centre ( This position is part of the European Training Network HYCOAT which brings together 10 leading institutions and industry partners to advance molecular layer deposition and strengthen Europe's leadership in this area.
The successful candidate will work on modelling of MLD processes which will entail first principles studies of precursor chemistry, surface reactions and developing models of polymer surfaces. Intense collaboration with experimental groups at CIC NanoGune, Bochum, Helsinki and Aalto is foreseen. Secondments to partner institutions are also proposed.
Candidates must be eligible under the MSCA recruitment rules. This includes Mobility (candidates must not be ordinarily resident in the country where the work will be performed) and Research Experience (candidates have less than four years research experience and not have already completed a PhD degree)
Informal enquiries can be made in confidence to [email protected]