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PhD position in method development (No replies)
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Quantum Chemistry Group at Lodz University of Technology (Poland) is currently looking for one PhD student. The student will realize a project involving a development of a novel computational approach aiming to treat intermolecular interactions in excited state. In collaboration with other members of the group, the student will be:
We are looking for someone with a MSc degree (or equivalent) in physics, chemistry or a related discipline, familiar with at least one language of programming and able to communicate in English. Candidates with good knowledge of quantum physics, quantum chemistry and numerical methods will be strongly preferred. Candidates about to obtain the MSc title will be considered.
There is a 3000PLN/month scholarship (tax free) provided for a 30-month period starting October 2018. Successful applicant will be required to enroll in a doctoral school in Poland.
More information about our research group is available here and more about the Lodz University of Technology here.
Please direct all the questions to Ewa Pastorczak: [email protected] .