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PhD position in Materials Design and Informatics ... (No replies)
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PhD student position in the division of Theoretical Physics at Linköping University, Sweden
within the unit of Materials Design and Informatics headed by Rickard Armiento.
We perform research in theoretical and computational physics in the areas of materials design and informatics. The work involves both method development and application of computational methods to study fundamental questions in materials science in collaboration with experimental partners. Ongoing research projects span method development in density-functional theory, materials design using high-throughput calculations, development of software for workflows for automated computation, analysis, and data curation in large scale databases, and the development and use of informatics and machine learning/AI-based methods on materials data.
Applicants must have a master's degree in physics or equivalent, with advanced level courses in theoretical physics and/or materials physics. Candidates with experience of project work related to computational and theoretical work in physics, machine learning, and work with mathematical derivation and physics models are evaluated favorably. Experience with thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, phase diagrams, crystallography, and group theory is also seen as beneficial. Experience of programming in Python is a requirement.
Application procedure
Deadline for application December 9, 2019.
For more details, see:
Note that applications must be submitted through the online application system at this link.