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PhD position in Grenoble: Defects in chalcogenid ... (No replies)
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Research area
L_Sim group in Univ. Grenoble Alpes, is opening one PhD position for a young researcher in material sciences. L_Sim is a numerical simulation group, specialized in material studies at atomistic levels, working in collaboration with experimentalists of our institute. The position aims at studying point defects in semi-conducting 3D chalcogenide compounds. The applicants will base his study on DFT calculations, extracting thermodynamic and kinetic parameters, and effect on band structure. More information on the ongoing research can be found on the group webpages: D. Caliste and P. Pochet.
Application conditions
The net salary range is 1,300€ - 1,500€ per month, depending on seniority, qualification and experience. The position is available for Fall 2017. The applicant must have strong background in quantum physics, atomistic simulations and solid state physics, licensed by a Master degree and an acknowledged research experience in the domain. A good knowledge of computer programming and environment is considered as an extra merit.
Interested candidates should send their cover letter, a curriculum vitae, their list of publications and arrange for one or two references addressed by email to:
Dr. Damien Caliste and Dr. Pascal Pochet
Univ. Grenoble Alpes
CEA Grenoble, cedex 9
F-38054 Grenoble, France
Clarification or further details can be obtained via email to D. Caliste and P. Pochet.