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PhD position in first-principles simulations of ... (No replies)

5 years ago
samrat321 5 years ago

Applications are invited for a doctoral student position in the field of computational materials science in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Idaho, under the supervision of Prof. Samrat Choudhury.  The atomic structure and chemistry of heterointerfaces (boundaries separating two materials with different atomic structure and chemistry) are complex and cannot be easily predicted from the atomic structure of the individual materials that form the heterointerface. This complexity increases exponentially in multi-component heterointerfaces as it involves a vast number of chemical possibilities at the interface. Thus, designing the chemistry of a novel multi-component heterointerface with a targeted materials property is a challenging task. This project aims to determine the chemistry of multi-component heterointerfaces with targeted materials property using a combination of first-principles calculations and machine learning approach. The research will be performed in collaboration with scientist(s) from one or more national laboratories within the United States. Student may have the option to visit and conduct research at one of the national laboratories for an extended period of time. For performing the calculations, the student may have access to a high-performance computing facility (>50,000 cores, with clusters often ranked among the top 500 fastest computer systems in the world), in addition to adequate GPUs within the research group.


The candidate is expected to have a solid background in condensed matter physics and/or materials science. Motivation to learn machine learning tools is desired.  Previous experience in electronic structure calculations is preferred. US citizenship is not required for this position.


All applications will be given immediate consideration and the search will continue until the position is filled. However, candidates are encouraged to apply before 10th Feb 2020 for full consideration. Selected student can join this position as early as May 2020. Candidates should submit a full CV and a brief letter of intent (< 2 pages) describing past research experience and interests to Prof. S. Choudhury ([email protected]). Shortlisted candidates will be contacted separately for an interview.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials