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PhD position in field of Enhanced Sampling Metho ... (No replies)

7 years ago
valsson 7 years ago
Dear all, 
A PhD position in the field of Enhanced Sampling Methods for Soft Matter Simulations ( is available immediately at the Theory Department of Prof. Kurt Kremer at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research ( in Mainz, Germany. The project will be supervised by Dr. Omar Valsson.
In particular the PhD project will focus on the development of the recently introduced Variationally Enhanced Sampling method ( and its application to classical and quantum molecular simulations for studying soft matter and chemical systems. The PhD student will be involved in the development of the VES code (, an open source library that implements enhanced sampling methods based on Variationally Enhanced Sampling. 
Applicants are required to have a Masters degree in physics, chemistry, materials science, chemical engineering, or related field. Experience with statistical mechanics and molecular simulations is required. Programming skills (e.g. python, C, C++) are also required.
To apply for the position, or to obtain further information, please contact Dr. Omar Valsson through email at [email protected]. The application should include a cover letter, CV and contact information of at least two references.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials