Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…
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PhD position in electronic structure at Virginia ... (No replies)
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One funded Ph.D. position is available in the group of Prof. Kyungwha Park at the Department of Physics of Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A. The position is open from August 2019, January 2020, or till filled.
Project Description: The focus is on understanding of electronic structure and magnetic properties of various point defects in different silicon carbide polytypes beyond density functional theory. Such defects in silicon carbide have been experimentally shown to be useful for applications in quantum information science, similarly to nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond, but with more efficient applicability to quantum technologies. Collaborations with theorists and experimentalists at Virginia Tech and other universities are expected.
Qualifications: The candidate must have (or be close to obtaining) a Master’s degree in Physics with knowledge in solid state physics and quantum mechanics. Good computational skills and research experience in calculating electronic structure properties are highly desirable. Good command in oral and written English is required.
Further enquiries can be directed to Prof. Kyungwha Park (email: [email protected]), accompanied with a CV and three names of references including contact information.
Interested candidates must electronically submit online application to the following website with transcripts, curriculum vitae/resume, a brief research statement, and three letters of recommendation. Applications which are received until May 19 2019, will be considered for the fall semester of 2019. Otherwise, they will be considered for a later semester.