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PhD position in Donostia-San Sebastian - Spain (No replies)

Roberto D'Agosta
7 years ago
Roberto D'Agosta 7 years ago
Applications are invited for a PhD position to work under the supervision of Prof. S. Kurth and Prof. R. D’Agosta, in the Nano-Bio Spectroscopy group ( in the Department of Material Science at the Universidad del Pais Vasco in Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain.
The topic of research is the development of novel unified approaches to the investigation of energy, spin, and charge transport in nanoscale systems. One of the topics of research will the study of the effects of strong electron correlation on the transport coefficients. We expect strong collaborations with the other members of the group as well as other international groups to be established during the development of this project.
The position is to last up to 4 years.
Person specification:
A successful candidate holds or is about to obtain a Master in Physics or Materials Science. We are seeking highly motivated students with a solid background in Physics and Condensed Matter theory. Proven knowledge of Density Functional Theory methods constitutes a clear advantage. Proficiency with atomistic simulation packages and a standard programming language (Fortran/C/Python) is considered a plus. Some experience in working in a Linux environment is expected. Excellent mastering of English, both written and spoken, is compulsory.
How to apply:
Please send a CV, listing transcript of relevant exams, the name and contacts of at least two referees, any peer-reviewed publication, and attendance to international workshops or schools, together with a short description of scientific experience, interests, and expertise, to either Prof. Stefan Kurth ([email protected]) or Prof. Roberto D’Agosta ([email protected]). Please direct any enquiry to one of the two people listed above.
The position is open till a suitable candidate is found.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials