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PhD position in Computational Nano-Catalysis (No replies)
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PhD position in Computational Nano-Catalysis
A PhD-position in computational heterogeneous catalysis is available at the division of Chemical Physics at Chalmers University of Technology. The project is financed by the Swedish Research Council and concern catalytic reactions over nano-particles. The work will include first-principles calculations and development of theoretical methods for first-principles based kinetic modeling. The overall goal is to explore finite size effects in reaction kinetics.
The activities at the division of Chemical Physics at Chalmers focus on electronic structure calculations for surface reactions together with mean-field modeling and Monte-Carlo simulations for reaction kinetics. Theoretical spectroscopy is used together with experimental observations to scrutinize reaction mechanisms and processes. The activity is a part of the national Competence Centre for Catalysis (KCK).
Profile of the candidate
The successful candidate should have:
(1) A master of science in physics or chemistry, (2) Good communication skills in written and spoken English, (3) Able to work independently and take responsibility for progress and quality of the project, (4) Experience in computational/theoretical physics and chemistry and (5) Experience in programming.
Applications should be submitted via Chalmers website:
For more details contact Prof. Henrik Grönbeck ([email protected]).