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PhD position in Computational Materials Science ... (No replies)

8 years ago
nhdeleeuw 8 years ago

Modelling cobalt nanoparticles for catalytic applications

Cobalt is a promising material with interesting magnetic properties and important catalytic applications. This research proposal aims to develop robust computational models to provide quantitative insight at the atomic level into the structures, physico-chemical and magnetic properties of cobalt and cobalt oxide/carbide nano-particles and their catalytic potential. The research will focus on a number of areas: (i) The effect of surfactants on nano-particle growth and self-assembly; (ii) Surface oxidation and oxygen diffusion; (iii) The formation of core-shell nano-particles; (iv) Surface reactivity and the effect of the magnetic properties on catalytic pathways and mechanisms.

The computational research carried out in Cardiff University will be closely linked to the work by our experimental collaborators in Paris and Cape Town and the students will have the opportunity to spend time working with colleagues in South Africa as part of a prestigious UK/South Africa PhD exchange programme under the UK-SA Newton initiative.

Supervisor - Professor Nora de Leeuw ([email protected])
who is Professor of Computational Chemistry with an extensive programme of research in catalytic science, particularly in the computer-aided development of catalysts for sustainable energy applications.

Academic criteria: Eligible candidates should have, or expect to obtain, a degree in Chemistry, Materials Science, Physics, or a closely related discipline. Highly motivated and dedicated students will gain a thorough training in computational chemistry and materials science and be rewarded with a highly stimulating project that will help shape the future of this exciting research field. 

This studentship will provide for full UK/EU tuition fees, as well as a Doctoral Stipend for the student that matches UK Research Council National pay guidelines (updated each year). All costs for conference and study related travel will also be covered. 

This position is open to UK and EU citizens and is available from 1st April or 1st July 2017 onwards. 

To apply, please email an up to date CV & Covering Letter to Professor Nora de Leeuw, [email protected] who can also be contacted for informal enquiries.  

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials