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PhD Position in computational material science (No replies)

Michael Wolloch
5 years ago
Michael Wolloch 5 years ago

Dear Psi-K Community,

we are looking to fill a 3 year, funded PhD position in computational material science at the University of Vienna, Austria, starting as soon as possible in early 2020.

The successful candidate will work on the project “High-throughput methods for ab-initio interface tribology” under the supervision of Dr. Michael Wolloch, in the group of Prof. Cesare Franchini. This recently funded project introduces advanced high-throughput methods to interface science with special regard to tribology, the science of friction, fracture, and wear. The large amount of data produced by ab-initio calculations will be analyzed with machine learning methods.

During the PhD the successful applicant will, among other work:

  1. Develop modular code to automate the ab-initio computation of tribological figures of merit at solid state interfaces.

  2. Use this code to produce data, and analyze them with the help of machine learning algorithms.

  3. Present the work at international conferences and in first-rate, peer-reviewed journals.

We have international collaboration partners in Italy (Prof. M. Clelia Righi) and the Czech Republic (Prof. Petr Lazar), thus research visits to Modena and Olomouc are possible, as well as travel to international conferences.

Necessary qualifications for the position are:

  • A masters degree (or equivalent) in physics, chemistry, material science, or an equivalent field.

  • High motivation, a track record of independent problem solving, and the ability to work in a team.

  • Some background in computational science, preferably atomistic modeling.

  • Experience in coding and the willingness to develop new python code.

  • Good communication skills in English (oral and written).

Candidates with experience in one or more of the following topics will be preferred:

  • Density Functional Theory

  • Tribology (especially on the theoretical side)

  • Machine learning

  • High-throughput methods (especially AiiDA)

  • Large python projects.

A competitive salary of ~33.300€ gross (~22.200€ net) per year is offered alongside 5 weeks of yearly paid vacation time and full health-, unemployment-, and retirement-insurance.

The following recent publications form part of the foundation of the current project and might be of interest to the applicant:

Interested candidates are invited to send a full CV, a short motivational letter, a list of publications (if applicable), and the name of two references (all in one pdf file) to [email protected], subject “PhD Tribology”. A transcript of courses and grades should also be attached.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials