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PhD position in computational design of nanodrug ... (No replies)

6 years ago
davide.tiana 6 years ago

Project Title:  Computationally driven creation of breast cancer drugs with superior properties

Duration: 4 years starting from Autumn 2019 or Winter 2020.

Project Supervisor: Dr Davide Tiana

Host Institute: University College Cork

Brief Project Description: A quarter of all cancer cases of the world are breast cancer which is responsible for 15% of female cancer death. Developing more efficient drugs is then imperative. The scope of this project is to maximise the healthcare benefits of the current breast-cancer therapy based on the nano-drug Doxil. The project will develop a completely new in-silico approach (that combines cutting-edge computational chemistry with big-data analysis) for simulating, study and design new nano-drugs.

Requirements: for funding reason EU or Swiss citizenship. Bachelor or Master (preferred) in Chemistry (or related area). Final Mark equal to Irish 1st Grade (i.e. >70%).

Supervisor Contact Details: [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials