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PhD Position in CIMAP, France on the study of sw ... (No replies)

5 months ago
GermainC 5 months ago

The CIMAP laboratory offers a PhD opportunity to strengthen a project focused on the creation of defects in semiconductors using swift heavy ions bombing for stable qubits creation. Using quantum and classical modeling of atomic phenomena, this thesis reinforces the experimental study of the phenomena and helps in understanding the peculiar properties of electronic densities in such cases. Molecular simulation enables to understand the physics of electrons on a quantum scale. Electrons are responsible for the properties of semiconductors. It is therefore important to understand how they organize themselves around the defects induced by irradiation, and whether these defects affect the energy levels to which they have access. Unfortunately, the times and dimensions accessible on the quantum scale are very short, making it impossible to study all the properties of materials in the presence of defects. It is therefore difficult to know how defects affect mechanical properties or whether atoms diffuse over long timescales. Using Machine Learning, we also want to create 'classical' models of interactions between atoms, which are simpler but also represent physics on a larger scale. Ultimately, this will make it possible to study the impact of different defect geometries on electronic properties, and to direct research towards the most promising materials for these applications. More info here (eng) and here (fr).

Founding granted only if excellent candidate.

Location: CIMAP laboratory, Alençon site
Campus de Damigny, Pôle Universitaire d’Alençon, 61250 Damigny, France

Required skills:
At least some experience in programming (C++, Fortran ou Python...)/a sharp interest in numerical methods and high performance computing, statistical physics/quantum chemistry/atomistic modelling or materials sciences, especially related to semi-conductor

Jun Chen : [email protected] (director)
Viwanou Hounkpati : [email protected]
Germain Clavier : [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials