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PhD position in b initio molecular dynamics simu ... (No replies)
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The group of Prof Marie-Pierre Gaigeot at the University of Evry/University Paris Saclay in France has one opened PhD position for ab initio molecular dynamics simulations applied to vibrational spectroscopies in the Terahertz domain (THz).
The group is expert in ab initio molecular dynamics simulations applied to vibrational spectroscopies for gas phase molecules and clusters, liquids, and solid/liquid, liquid/air interfaces in systematic relation with IR-MPD, IR-PD, IR, Raman, SFG, SHG experiments. About 60 papers published on these subjects within the past 10 years.
The opened position and the details for applying are described in details in the attached flyer.
Please contact Prof Marie-Pierre Gaigeot at [email protected] and see website: for details on research and list of publications.