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PhD position in atomistic modelling of tribologi ... (No replies)

10 years ago
moras 10 years ago

The Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM in Freiburg (Germany) announces an open PhD position in the “Multiscale Modelling and Tribosimulation” group (Prof. Michael Moseler).

Job description

The goal of your work will be the understanding of basic physical and chemical processes underlying the macroscopic tribological properties of materials. Atomistic simulation methods will be the main tools you will apply within publicly or industrially funded, national and international research projects.

Typical topics we work on include the optimisation of friction and wear properties of hard coatings; the study of tribochemical reactions between lubricants and surfaces and their influence on friction, wear and corrosion; the investigation of the chemical and structural transformations that lead to the formation of tribomaterials (third body). In addition to quantum mechanical simulation methods (DFT and Tight-Binding), reactive and non-reactive classical force-fields are employed in a hierarchic multiscale approach. The modelling activities are complemented by collaborations with experimental groups within the MikroTribologie Centrum µTC, as well as with experimental groups in universities and leading international companies.

Your qualification

You should have a Master degree in physics, chemistry, material science or a related discipline. The way you work is characterized by a scientific approach and you have good analytical skills. You are a team player and nevertheless are able to progress independently. Ideally, you have some experience in computational physics or chemistry (preferably at the atomistic level), in programming (preferably C++/Fortran/Python) and in the UNIX/Linux environment.

We offer attractive research projects and career opportunities to qualified and dedicated researchers. The university town of Freiburg offers a manifold of scientific, cultural and outdoor activities, thus creating a pleasant and stimulating atmosphere for work and leisure.
We are looking forward to your application which should be sent to Prof. Michael Moseler,([email protected]).


The salary is based on the TVöD EG13 and the position should be filled as soon as possible.
More information about the institute can be found on our homepage

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials