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PhD position in Atomic/Molecular insights into t ... (No replies)

6 years ago
zhangxiaolei0208 6 years ago

One PhD position is available in the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering at University of Strathclyde, Scotland, UK.

The research will be on converting waste biomass into valuable products such as fuels and chemicals from atomic/molecular level based on Quantum Chemistry or Molecular Dynamic modelling.

Lignocellulosic biomass is a green alternative fossil resource to produce fuels (e.g. transport fuel, aviation fuel) and value-added products (e.g. light olefins, gases, liquid chemicals). The formation of these products through routes such as pyrolysis and gasification is more advanced rather than traditional burning thus it is promising to address societal demands for ‘green energy’ and sustainability. However, the complicated operating system and inefficient conversion rate largely limit the industrialisation of this process. Within this project, high-efficient solutions are expected to be provided by investigating the mechanism insights of the formation process of these products.

Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Dynamics calculations will be carried out to explore the mechanism and kinetics of the process of converting waste into valuable products. This innovated project is ideally suited to students with the creativity and motivation to solve engineering problems using scientific-based principles. The student may expect to build his/her career in the area of bioenergy, sustainable energy and green chemistry.

The applicant will work closely with collaborators from UK and abroad (e.g. China) and will be expected to participate in relevant national and international conferences, and develop journal papers within the research field.

Funding information:
Excellent candidates may be considered for a University scholarship. This PhD project is also offered on a self-funding basis. It is open to applicants with their own funding, or those applying to funding sources. The proposed start date is October 1st 2019.

Essential/Desirable Criteria:
Applications are invited from candidates who have a background in Chemical Engineering/Chemistry, or an equivalent qualification at Masters level. Experience in Computational modelling, Quantum Chemistry calculations, or Molecular Dynamics modelling would be advantageous.

Contact way:
Applicants are encouraged to contact the Lead Supervisor Dr. Xiaolei Zhang (email: [email protected] ) directly to discuss their application and the project.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials