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PhD Position in Applied Physics at the Universit ... (No replies)
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The research group of Prof. Lilia M. Woods has an opening for Spring 2018 for a PhD student pursuing studies in theoretical and computational condensed matter physics. Prof. Woods’ group is involved in a variety of cutting-edge problems including ab initio simulations methods for materials properties and transport processes, thermoelectricity, dispersive interactions, and device development. Our group work works with several experimental and computational collaborators to solve problems at the boundary of quantum mechanics, electrodynamics, and materials science with important technological applications. We are looking for a motivated student who will be a great addition to our vibrant group and will take full advantage of the interdisciplinary possibilities for future career development. The University of South Florida is located in the urban Tampa Bay area and it has a dynamic Applied Physics Department with a diverse group of graduate students. English proficiency (TOEFL) and general education (GRE General) must be demonstrated to be eligible for acceptance. Students with Masters degrees and/or GRE Physics test scores are especially encouraged to apply for this position. For further information, please contact Prof. Woods at [email protected] and visit our research web site: