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PhD position in advanced materials modelling usi ... (No replies)

5 years ago
b.irving 5 years ago

Applications are invited for a PhD position in the Advanced Materials Group (AMG) at the Faculty of Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, to work on the simulation of nano-structures materials. The student will perform state-of-the-art modelling of physical mechanisms affecting the structures of advanced materials through cutting-edge characterizations, whilst also collaborating with researchers at international facilities. The research is expected to focus on the effects of microstructural details on the mechanical properties and fracture mechanisms of novel nano-structured materials.

Short description of the project:

The main responsibilities of the position comprise carrying out computational molecular dynamics and/or multiscale modelling of phenomena occurring in nano-structured materials, and the theoretical prediction of the functionalities of low-dimensional materials. Special emphasis will be on nano-layered heterostructures, phase transformations subjected to external pressure or strain and/or thermal treatment, and the evolution of dislocation forests at interfaces. The computational results will be combined with experimental data in order to obtain physical insights into the functionality of the materials. For this reason, experience in first-principles and molecular dynamics packages is desired, along with abilities of explicating experimental data from a theoretical viewpoint. The appointed candidate is expected to participate in international multidisciplinary and intersectoral collaboration network between the AMG and nCATS - the national Centre for Advanced Tribology at Southampton.

Description of the group

The AMG, lead by Prof. Tomas Polcar, is a well-established group that pioneers solid lubrication, particularly the structural design of self-adaptive coatings. Both the experimental and computational subgroups continue to grow, consisting of young and motivated researchers working on various interconnected topics. The experimental cohort covers topics including physical and chemical deposition methods, surface characterization, and high-temperature tribology, while the computational approaches range from ab initio electronic structure calculations to massive classical molecular dynamics simulations. Ultimately, this research leads to the development of coatings with unique optical, mechanical or tribological properties suitable for use in industry.

Job Requirements

Successful candidates must have an MSc (or equivalent) in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering or a closely related discipline, obtained within the past 4 years. We are seeking highly motivated individuals with a solid background in physical chemistry/physics. Experience in computational materials science, especially molecular dynamics methods (packages such as LAMMPS, Gromacs, etc.), is advantageous; programming skills and understanding of machine learning are also desirable. Good knowledge of English, both written and oral, is compulsory.

Contract details

The Ph.D. study is 4 years, with a starting salary of approximately 1000 euros net.

Selection process

For further information about the application and selection procedures, please contact:

Dr Alberto Fraile via e-mail: frailalb(at)

How to apply

The call is open, and the positions will be filled as soon as the proper candidate is found. The envisaged starting date is the beginning of June 2019. Applications, together with all relevant enclosures, must be submitted by email together with the following English language documents, preferably as a single PDF file:

1. A brief curriculum viate

2. A short account of research merits

3. A research / action plan with an emphasis on how the plan benefits the research in the field and advances the research capabilities of the Advanced Materials Group

4. Contact details of 2 to 4 (academic) references  

Applications should be sent to [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials