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PhD position in ab initio spin transport and ato ... (No replies)
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One fully-funded four-year PhD position in Computational Spintronics is available from April or September 2020 in the School of Physics and the CRANN Institute at Trinity College Dublin (Ireland).
This is the second announcement of this position and further information in now available here.
How to apply?
Applications must include a cover letter with your motivation to pursue such described PhD degree in Trinity College Dublin and a statement on your eligibility to the admission criteria described above, together with a CV, recent academic transcript (if not yet graduated) and the name & contact details of at least two referees (e-mail addresses).
Note that this position requires EU/UK citizenship because of budget restrictions for the anticipated PhD tuition fees.
For informal queries and to apply email:
Dr. M. Stamenova (Trinity College Dublin): [email protected]
Information about the research project can be found at:
The position will be open until filled and we are now conducting interviews with shortlisted candidates.
Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to the employment policies, procedures and practices which do not discriminate on grounds such as gender, civil status, family status, age, disability, race, religious belief, sexual orientation or membership of the travelling community.