Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…
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PhD Position in 2D Materials Modeling in Ostrava ... (No replies)
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Nanostructure Physics Group at University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, is seeking to fill PhD position focused on electronic structure modeling of 2D materials (see interests of the supervisor at , details of the PhD project will be discussed with selected applicants).
Applicants should have a background in either computational physics, material science, quantum chemistry or related fields, and hold master degree in the mentioned or related disciplines. Prior experience with atomistic modeling or computational science is required, whereas experience with plane-wave codes (as VASP), scripting or programming would be an advantage. Further requirements include good written and oral communication skills in English and ability to work independently.
Applications including a detailed CV, publication list, cover letter, and, a list of 2 established researchers willing to provide a letter of recommendation should be submitted to [email protected] The cover letter should include: research interests, motivation, expertise related to materials modeling technique(s) including used software, experience with scripting, programming and software development (if any), and other information that might be relevant. Application deadline: 28th July 2019.