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PhD position: Fragmentation of Molecular Ions in ... (No replies)
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The Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH offers a
PhD position (theory/simulation) on
"Fragmentation of Molecular Ions in Extreme Electric Fields"
in the context of atom-probe tomography for biomaterials and organic composites.
Atom probe tomography (APT) rapidly develops as a versatile tool to image the
chemical composition of complex materials with near-atomic resolution in 3D. The technique consists in applying a very high voltage to a needle-shaped specimen (field strength: ~10 V/nm). Triggered by additional field or thermal pulses, single atoms or small fragments get desorbed and ionized and fly towards a single-particle detector that records their time-of-flight and impact position. From this, the chemical identity and the original location of all detected atoms can be reconstructed.
Recent work on organic/carbon-based materials shows that a multitude of small fragments is produced, and their relative abundance depends on field strength and specimen’s base temperature. In order to investigate the fundamental relation between molecular structure, field ionization, and fragmentation by means of theoretical simulations, we look for an exceptional PhD student with a background in theoretical chemistry, molecular physics, or a related field. Experience with quantum-chemical calculations or time-dependent DFT is a plus.
The work will be in close in-house collaboration with one of the world-leading experimental APT groups and the Computational Material Design department, and offers unique opportunities to connect to leading experts. We offer an exciting, collaborative, and dynamic environment and excellent access to computational and intellectual resources. The salary will be equivalent to 50% TVÖD E13.
Applications should be sent in electronic form to
Christoph Freysoldt [email protected]
and include a CV, copy of master/diploma degree, and list of publications (if any).
The Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH is committed to employing more handicapped individuals and especially encourages them to apply. Furthermore we seek to increase the number of women in areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourage women to apply.