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PhD position for the study of anharmonic phonon ... (No replies)

2 years ago
ezojer 2 years ago

Project leaders: Egbert Zojer, Roland Resel

Short description:

Phonons are amongst the crucial quasi-particles that determine the properties of solids. Still, only very little is known about phonons in the booming (albeit rather complex) class of materials referred to as metal-organic frameworks. In recent years, we have performed several studies aiming at a characterization of harmonic phonons in these and related materials. In the present project we want to go one step further, systematically studying also anharmonic phonon properties, which crucially determine quantities like a material’s thermal expansion and thermal conductivity. To understand these anharmonic phonon properties, the student working on this project will investigate the thermal expansion and temperature-dependent phonon properties of MOFs. For this he/she will employ, on the one hand, state-of-the-art quantum-mechanical simulations and on the other hand perform temperature-dependent x-ray diffraction and Raman scattering experiments. This work will be of immediate relevance for the investigation of heat-transport properties of MOFs in project P10 and will also support the activities of many of the other research activities within Porous Materials @ Work for Sustainability.

Requiered qualifications:


  • Master degree in Physics, Technical Physics, Advanced Materials Science, Nanoscience, Chemistry with a specialisation in Physical Chemistry
  • Excellent control of English (written and orally)
  • Excellent understanding of the concepts of Solid-State Physics
  • Interest in working in an interdisciplinary team


Desired qualifications:


  • Experience in the quantum-mechanical modelling of materials and/or in performing x-ray diffraction experiments and/or in vibrational spectroscopy
  • Experience in compiling scientific publications and presenting scientific results at conferences




Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Egbert Zojer (Institute of Solid State Physics):    egbert.zojer[at]    (see GOOGLE SCHOLAR PROFILE )
Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roland Resel (Institute of Solid State Physics):    roland.resel[at]tugraz    (see GOOGLE SCHOLAR PROFILE )


Send applications to:

Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Egbert Zojer (Institute of Solid State Physics): egbert.zojer[at]
quote the position identification PMWS-P11

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials