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PhD position : First Principles studies of compl ... (No replies)

6 years ago
gaudry 6 years ago

Field of activity:

This project will take place at the Institut Jean Lamour (IJL), a laboratory for fundamental and applied research in materials science and process. It brings together scientists from different disciplines on the campus Artem Nancy (France), gathering more than 5000 people including 3500 students. This project has an international dimension and takes place within the "Integrated European Center for the Development of New Alloys and Metallic Compounds" and the International Lab between IJL and the Joseph Stefan Institute (JSI, Ljubljana, Slovenia).

Complex intermetallic compounds belong to a class of materials characterized by a large unit
cell, containing several tens to several thousands of atoms, usually arranged into regularly
packed clusters of high symmetry. It includes intermetallic quasicrystals and their periodic
approximants, but also cage compounds like intermetallic clathrates. Their potential lies on their
unique electronic and atomic structures. The study of the surfaces of these materials is a very active research subject motivated by their original properties potentially useful for various applications - as coatings or catalysts for example. The objective of the thesis is to theoretically investigate the interface with an oxide.

Successful candidates should hold (or be about to receive) a master’s degree in Materials
Science, Chemistry, Physics, or a related area. They must not already have a PhD. Good knowledge of quantum mechanics and statistical physics is expected. Candidates who have skills in writing code and shell scripts are preferred. Good communication skills are mandatory (English speaking). Please send a motivation letter and your CV, including names and contact information of two referees to emilie.gaudry at with the following subject "PhD application LUE"



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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials