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PhD position: Field Control of Molecular Collisi ... (No replies)

3 years ago
tkarman 3 years ago

Project description
In this PhD project, you will develop theoretical methods for molecular collisions in electric fields. You will calculate interactions between molecules using ab initio methods and use these in quantum coupled-channels calculations of collision cross sections -- using our in-house computer program. The goal is to explain angular distributions in molecular collision experiments. From the comparison between theory and experiment we learn about the interactions between molecules and their collision dynamics. So far we have studied collisions without external fields in this way. The next and novel step, to be taken by you in this PhD project, is to develop theory and computation that will guide experiments in using external fields to control collisions between molecules. You will work with Dr. Tijs Karman within the theoretical chemistry department.

This project is a close collaboration with the experimental group of Prof. Bas van de Meerakker, also at the IMM. Collisions between molecules can be used to study interactions between molecules in detail and in complete isolation from their environment. State-of-the-art experiments use Stark decelerators to precisely control the velocity and quantum state of small molecules such as NO, OH and ND3. These experiments provide a uniquely detailed benchmark for theory.

We ask
    • You have a Master’s degree or equivalent in physics, chemistry, or a related field
    • You have affinity with molecular physics and theoretical chemistry
    • You have good knowledge of quantum mechanics
    • Programming experience is a plus
    • Knowledge of written and spoken English

Work environment
The Institute for Molecules and Materials (IMM) is an interdisciplinary research institute that combines physics and chemistry. The IMM is part of Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Working in the Theoretical Chemistry group, you will have the opportunity to work with other members of IMM as well as international collaborators.

The position is for 4 years FTE. The starting date is negotiable. Salary increases from €2,395 (first year) to €3,061 (fourth year) per month. See the link below for benefits.

Apply online through (closing date 16 July 2021 23:59 CEST)
Your application should include the following attachments:
    • Letter of motivation (max. 1 page)
    • CV
    • Master's thesis

See also

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials