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PhD position: Electronic structure and transport ... (No replies)

2 years ago
jeakola 2 years ago

Tampere University (Finland) has 5 fully funded Doctoral Researcher (postgraduate student) positions open to candidates willing to carry out a research project towards a doctoral degree (D.Sc. (Tech) / PhD). Most of the positions are to be funded for four years, but shorter periods are also possible. The Doctoral Researchers are supposed to carry out research in one of our research groups in physics, chemistry, bioengineering, environmental technology, and energy technology. 

The application process is two-fold: First, the applicant must find a supervisor and a common theme, and second, the application must be completed as stated in:

For this call, our group in the Computational Physics Laboratory is seeking for a candidate for performing DFT and NEGF simulations of phase change materials (for example, Ge2Sb2Te5) in order to understand the physical phenomena in phase-change RAM cells. The requirements for the joint application are:

  • MSc degree in a field that is relevant for Physics, i.e. one must be able to pursue a PhD in Physics (incl. demonstrated background knowledge in quantum mechanics, solid state physics, statistical physics)
  • Excellent grades (see the description in the call text above)
  • Previous experience with electronic structure simulations and programming

The interested individuals are requested to contact Prof. Jaakko Akola, [email protected]



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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials