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PhD position available in Novel Enhanced Samplin ... (No replies)
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We will develop novel theoretical frameworks using kinetic network models and modern machine learning algorithms to enhance sampling in biomolecular simulations. Specifically, the project will focus on developing new algorithms to identify the active site geometries in phosphate catalytic enzymes. This is a highly interdisciplinary project that will enable fundamental advances in molecular simulations and also in a broad area of data-driven sciences.
Student profile
Applicants must hold, or expect to obtain, a first or upper second-class honours degree or UK equivalent in Physics, Chemistry, or Maths from a recognised academic institution, be strongly motivated and must have experience with Linux. Additionally, knowledge of some programming language is desired. Students with Physics or Physical Chemistry background are especially encouraged to apply, computer science background is also suitable with interest in biomolecular modelling.
We expect that the successful candidate will want to contribute to our department's teaching, for which payment will be made separately. The opportunity to contribute as a teaching assistant during the PhD programme can be an interesting and rewarding experience, which will help students develop skills which will be relevant when they look for future roles. Training and mentoring in teaching and learning in higher education will be provided, and the successful applicant will be expected to attend the Faculty’s Preparing to Teach ( course should they undertake additional teaching duties. Successful applicants will also have the opportunity to complete the Teaching Recognition at King’s programme (TRaK - which is the King’s route to achieve Higher Education Academy (HEA) professional recognition (
Students interested in undertaking a PhD in this project should register their interest as soon as possible. Informal enquiries should be made to Dr. Edina Rosta at [email protected]
To apply, please visit the King’s College myApplication system:
1. Register a new account/login
2. Once logged in, select Create a new application
3. Enter ‘Chemistry Research MPhil/PhD (Full-time/Part-time)' under Choose a programme. Please ensure you select the correct mode of study.
Deadline for applications is 1st May 2018. We might accept later applications until the position is filled.
The Studentship is funded for 3.5 years, on a starting bursary at the standard research council rate, which is presently £16,777 per annum including London Allowance, and cover the full cost of Home/EU tuition fees. Income tax is not payable on the stipend.