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PhD position at University of Milan: "Elect ... (No replies)

11 months ago
guerrarob 11 months ago

Dear community,

I'm writing to urgently notice that a PhD calling has opened at University of Milan, Physics Department:

In particular, the Milan Lab for Materials Simulation will supervise a project-related PhD fellowship focused on Electronic Friction.

The study of friction has long been pursued on the basis of the response force of a sliding body on a surface. The fundamental laws derived in this way centuries ago have been put in question by the recent advent of nanotechnology: with the availability of nanoscale probes with exceptional sensitivity and resolution, different laws, system-specific and valid only at the micro/nano-scales, have been obtained and are still under investigation. In particular, the quantum motion of electrons and nuclei, generally ignored in the physics of sliding friction, can affect in an important manner the frictional dissipation of nanocontacts.

The goal of the thesis is to theoretically describe the quantum dynamics of a sliding nanocontact, in order to characterize the possible channels of frictional dissipation. The candidate will be part of the Milan Lab for Materials Simulations ( and will benefit of strong supercomputing resources from local and external HPC centers.

During the thesis, the student will be guided in the understanding and simulation of molecular dynamics methods at classical and quantum levels, involving the calculation of ground state and excited state electronic structure, phonon spectra, thermodynamic quantities, and other quantities involved in the phenomenology of quantum friction.
As part of the research group, the student will also benefit of scientific exchange at external collaborators.

The PhD candidate should ideally possess a background focused in Theoretical Condensed Matter, and motivation towards theoretical development and constructive interaction with the group.

Please note that the application deadline is 2:00 PM of July 26th, 2023. Application is fully online and free of charges.

If you intend to apply, please inform us so that we can follow up your procedure. You can also write us for further inquiry.

With warm regards,

[email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials