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PhD position at the Vienna University of Technol ... (No replies)

5 years ago
rstadler 5 years ago

PhD position in electron transport theory applied to graphene based bio sensors
We are looking for candidates for a three-years position starting on September 1 st 2019 in the group of Dr. Robert Stadler at the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the Vienna University of Technology ( Although the position only starts in September, the selection processes starts now and candidates are encouraged to apply already.
The successful candidate will work on the application and development of computational methods
based on density functional theory for the description of electron transport through graphene sheets with adsorbed molecules, where destructive interference effects play an important role. The application of this reasearch lies in biosensing, where a strong interaction with experimentalists at the Biosensor Technology Unit of the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Tulln is crucial for the project. For further details please see the abstract attached.
The mandatory requirement for the position is a master degree in chemistry, physics, materials science or electrical engineering, as well as a good command of spoken and written English and a personal interest in computational/theoretical research. Good knowledge of solid state theory and/or quantum chemistry would also be highly desirable.
The project is linked to the grant P31631 “Destructive Quantum Interference (DQI) in electron
transport through graphene nanoribbons”, where the gross payment of 2162,40 Euro/per month is offered for 30 working hours per week. Interested candidates should email Dr. Angelo Valli
(angelo.valli@ with a letter of application and a detailed CV.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials