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PhD position at the University of Namur (Belgium ... (1 reply)

7 months ago
Vincent LIEGEOIS 7 months ago

1 PhD position at the University of Namur on quantum chemistry simulations of Raman optical activity.


Outstanding candidates are sought to work at UNamur (Namur, Belgium) in the frame of the project called “Investigation of the vibrational signatures of molecules having specific interactions with the solvent such as chiral induction”. In summary, it aims at providing a deeper knowledge of the influence of the surrounding, namely the solvent, on the vibrational signatures and more particularly on the Raman optical activity (ROA) spectra. The full project is joined to this announcement. Starting date is envisioned to be as soon as possible.



Candidates should hold a MSc (or equivalent) in Chemistry, Physics or Materials Science. The candidate should have obtained recently (no more than 4 years) the MSc. The candidate can also be finishing her/his Master degree and should therefore mention the approximative date of availability.

Good knowledge of English, both written and oral, is compulsory. An experience in quantum chemistry and on the usage of quantum chemistry codes such as Gaussian, Dalton, Turbomole, QChem, … is a plus. Having some coding experience is also a bonus (FORTRAN and/or Python).



The PhD position is a 1-year contract renewable up to 4 years. Salary follows the legal scale for doctoral positions in Belgium (indicatively around 2350 €).



The retained candidates will join the group of V. Liégeois at the laboratory of theoretical chemistry ( of the UNamur and the newly-established Namur Institute of Structured Matter ( The lab comprises two senior researchers, Prof. B. Champagne and Dr. V. Liégeois, three post-docs, eight PhD students, two Master students. Within the group, we have access to computational facilities provided by the HPC consortium of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, including those of the Scientific Computing Platform of our University.


Applicants should send their CV, including their scientific achievements, list of publications, coding skills, as well as a brief motivation letter explaining why they feel being the right perform for this position to [email protected] (in a single PDF file) as soon as possible. They should also arrange for one letter of recommendation to be sent to the same address. The candidates that have been selected upon their CV will be auditioned by videoconference during 30’.


6 months ago
Vincent LIEGEOIS 6 months ago

The position is no more available.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials