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PhD position at the University of Luxembourg - D ... (No replies)
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The theoretical solid-state physics group of Prof. Ludger Wirtz at the University of Luxembourg is searching for a PhD student in the field of theoretical/computational defect physics.
Defects have a strong influence on the performance of absorber materials for solar cells. The PhD candidate will perform calculations on the spectroscopic signatures of point defects in the thin-film solar cell materials Cu(In,Ga)S2 and Cu(In,Ga)Se2. This will require the use of existing ab-initio codes based on density-functional theory and on many-body perturbation theory. It will also involve the development of “second principles” methods such as tight-binding (fitted to ab-initio methods in small supercells).
This project is part of the PACE doctoral training program program (Photovoltaics: Advanced Concepts for high Efficiency), funded by the national research fund, Luxembourg. It will involve close collaboration with experimental groups of the University of Luxembourg and the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology. Additional collaborations with groups of the European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility and a secondment in the group of Florian Libisch at the TU-Wien are foreseen as well.
We are seeking an excellent and highly motivated candidate holding a Master’s degree in Physics and a strong background in quantum mechanics, solid-state physics, and computational physics. Fluency in English is mandatory – it is the working language.
More specific information on this project can be obtained by contacting [email protected]. Please apply through the link given on the page of the PACE programme (project H).