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PhD position at the University of Cambridge (No replies)

2 years ago
bartomeu.monserrat 2 years ago

We invite applications for a fully funded PhD position at the University of Cambridge in the groups of Dr Bartomeu Monserrat ( and Prof. Richard Friend ( We are looking for a motivated and talented scientist to join our teams.

The proposed PhD project will explore the role of static and dynamic disorder in semiconductors, with a particular emphasis on optoelectronic properties. Disorder plays a central role in many physical phenomena, from wave localization to non-radiative transitions, but modelling disorder has traditionally been challenging because of the large length and time scales involved. In this project, the student will push the frontiers of disorder modelling while learning, developing, and using a wide variety of computational techniques, including density functional theory, many-body perturbation theory, machine learning, and the localization landscape formalism. The modelling work will be directly connected with experiments on disorder in hybrid halide perovskite and organic semiconductors in the group of Prof. Friend.

For further details and how to apply, please visit: 

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials