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PhD position at the MPI for Polymer Research on ... (No replies)

6 years ago
valsson 6 years ago
Dear All, 
A PhD position is available immediately at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz, Germany on the theoretical investigation of out-of-equilibrium kinetically driven self-assembly. The PhD student will be jointly supervised by Dr. Omar Valsson (simulations) and Dr. Andreas Riedinger (experiments).
Further information about the PhD project can be found at 
Applicants for the PhD position are required to have a Masters degree in physics, chemistry, materials science, chemical engineering, or related field. Having experience with molecular simulations would be beneficial.
To apply for the position, or to obtain further information, please contact Dr. Omar Valsson through email at [email protected]. The application should include a CV, contact information of at least two professional references, transcripts of grades from BSc. and MSc. studies, and a brief statement on why you are a good candidate for the position.
Sincerely yours,
Omar Valsson 
Dr. Omar Valsson
Group Leader, Theory Group
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research
Office phone: +49 6131 379 333

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials