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PhD position at the Luxembourg Institute of Scie ... (No replies)
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We are inviting applications for a PhD position in Jorge Íñiguez’s team at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST).
The research will be on nano-structured ferroic materials displaying extreme sensitivity to applied external fields (electric, elastic). Much of the research will revolve around “domain liquids” as those predicted to occur in PbTiO3/SrTiO3 super-lattices, to understand their occurrence and optimize their properties.
The work will involve the use of novel "second-principles" methods that allow large-scale simulations of complex dynamical phenomena with near-first-principles accuracy. You can learn more about our research and recent publications here (general), and particularly here or here (domain liquids and negative capacitance).
The position is for 3+1 years, and the student will be registered at the University of Luxembourg. Work is to start in September 2019.
Eligible candidates must have a solid background in physics, materials science or related fields, and a strong taste for computational work.
We offer competitive salary and an attractive work environment in one of the most rapidly-growing and best-funded research ecosystems in Europe.
Interested candidates are welcome to contact Jorge Íñiguez ([email protected]). Please send a complete CV and detailed academic record.