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PhD Position at the Hamburg University of Techno ... (No replies)
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At the Institute of Polymers and Composites, a 3-year temporary position for a research assistant (salary group TVL-13, full-time employment) is to be filled at the earliest opportunity.
We are looking for enthusiastic, motivated, creative and independent candidates with critical thinking skills. The candidate's previous knowledge should include knowledge of scientific computing, numerical methods and their application in the fields of materials science, chemistry or physics. Programming skills (Python, Fortran or C++) are also welcome. The position can also be filled by scientists who have already obtained a doctorate in one of the fields of study. We are open to different academic backgrounds at the doctoral level, while at the postdoctoral level the demands on the scientific background are more focused.
For the achievement of the goals of the energy turnaround, new types of energy storage, e. g. for the short-term storage of energy from overproduction, triggered by fluctuations in radiation intensity or wind force, are of fundamental importance. Supercapacitors based on hierarchical carbon can be modified very economically in a variety of ways and adapted to the required parameters for optimizing the storage capacity - an important requirement for an electrode material of the future. The influence of carbon hybridisation, porosity, contamination or the electrolyte used on the storage capacity are not sufficiently understood to enable a knowledge-based design. Molecular-dynamic simulations will be used to investigate the underlying fundamental mechanisms of energy storage in supercapacitors and draw conclusions from them that allow an optimized design of the electrode material and electrolyte in a holistic concept and thus enable the matching of the two through a knowledge-based design. Of great interest in this context is also the investigation of membranes based on multi-walled carbon nanotubes for the generation of energy from salt and fresh water. In addition to the electrical properties, the mechanical properties of hierarchical carbon materials should be investigated. The integration of experiments and simulations through close cooperation with the institute's analytical and manufacturing department, using the excellent expertise of the institute in the production of hierarchical carbon structures, is of great importance for this project.
The funding of this project requires student supervision and teaching support.
Further Information (in German) can be found under:
Informal enquiries can be directed to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Meißner ([email protected])
Applications with a curriculum vitae in table form and the usual documents must be sent by 21.11.2017 stating identification number H-17-191 to
Hamburg University of Technology
Personnel Section PV32/G -
21071 Hamburg
Or by e-mail to [email protected]
Due to the large number of applications, the Technical University of Hamburg can only send back such application documents that are accompanied by a self-addressed envelope with sufficient postage. Please do not submit originals.