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PhD Position at New Jersey, USA in Computational ... (No replies)

8 years ago
dibakardatta 8 years ago

PhD Position at New Jersey, USA in Computational Nanomechanics/Materials Science/Chemistry

The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering ( at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (, United States has opening for one fully funded PhD position. Interested candidates should apply as soon as possible.

Research Description:  Selected student will primarily work on Atomistic and Molecular Mechanics. He/she will be primarily involved in different projects such as:

 -- Modeling of Energy Systems: Molecular Dynamics and Density Functional Theory simulation of energy systems e.g. Lithium-ion Battery, Nanomaterials/Nanoparticle for Energy Storage and Conversion.  

-- Mechanics of Nanomaterials: Different aspects of Mechanics (e.g. Fracture, Friction) of various nanomaterials: Graphene and its derivatives, Molybdenum Disulfides, and different other 2D nanomaterials and Transition Metal Dichalcogenide (TMDC). 

Candidate will have the opportunity to collaborate with other research groups at NJIT and many other institutions in all over the world.

Candidate’s background: 

 -- The position requires an undergraduate/master degree or equivalent within Nanotechnology, Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Civil/Mechanical/Aerospace/Chemical Engineering.

-- Candidate must be motivated for advanced research. He/she needs to have persistence, perseverance, strong determination, and dedication.

-- Background in Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulation, Density Functional Theory (DFT) is preferred - but not essential. Candidate should have strong interest in learning MD, DFT and related tools (e.g. LAMMPS, VASP).  

-- Strong coding skills in Matlab/C++/Python, shell scripting are preferred. 

Funding: The position is fully funded (tuition fee, health insurance everything will be covered). Candidate will receive monthly stipend of around $2000. Candidate will be paid for travel and accommodation for at least two conferences per year. In addition, there will be several other facilities and benefits. 

Profile of the Project Supervisor: Dr. Dibakar Datta ( will supervise the candidate. Dr. Datta is currently an assistant professor at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at NJIT. Dr. Datta received his PhD from Brown University (2015) and postdoctoral training at Stanford University (2015-2016). 

Application: Interested candidates should send an email with detail CV to Dr. Dibakar Datta (Email address: [email protected]).

For any question about this position, candidate should contact Dr. Dibakar Datta by mail or phone (+1 401 573 6817). For further detail, please visit his homepage:

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials